2 SIMPLE steps to creating balance in your body!

This is not as hard as it is sometimes made out to be.

One of the things that baffles my mind is that in most fitness books there is little mention on creating a better balance when exercising.  There will be some great content but more often than not, balance through CORRECTIVE exercise is not fully addressed.

We have mentioned it in our fitness tips before.

“Stretch what is tight, strengthen what is weak, in that order” and you will achieve a better and balanced body.

Here are 2 examples and how you can see and feel the difference:


  • Sit up tall on your chair while reading this and cross one ankle over the other knee and bow forward from the waist.  Hold it for 5 seconds.
  • Now repeat the same movement with the opposite ankle.  Hold it for 5 seconds.

You should notice a difference in how one side feels tighter than the other.  If this is the case, stretch the side that is tighter—your body is TELLING you to!  Now imagine running or exercising with one hip tighter than other!  Something is BOUND to happen!


  • Sit up tall, cross your arms across your chest with elbows pointing forward.  Turn your torso in one direction then the other.

One side may feel tighter than the other.  If it is, guess what you need to do?  Yes! Stretch that tighter side.  Now imagine golfing or playing tennis with one side of your body not rotating as efficiently as the other!

Therefore, PLEASE take the time to “stretch what is tight, and strengthen what is weak” in that order!

We can help you with an existing injury and help create a more balanced program for what you are training for!  

Give us a call: 514 556-4994 to Get Balanced!