CHARITY Golf Warm Up Workshop at our studio!
Jump Start Your Golf Game
Join us for our charity golf warm-up workshop:
Monday April 27th 2015 at 7:30pm – 8:30pm or Thursday April 30th 2015 at 1:30pm – 2:30pm
As certified golf fitness professionals, through the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) we will show you how to lower your score before you even step up to the first tee. During our presentation, we will give you tips on how to get you ready for the upcoming season and demonstrate our top 5 dynamic warm-up exercises to take with you on the green!
A donation is requested to participate. All proceeds will go directly to the Jason Fund. This is a non-profit charitable organization that was established in order to help young adults with cancer. This charity was created back in 2006 after Jason Gomes, a West Island hockey stand out who lost his battle to stomach cancer.
Call or email us today to secure your spot as places are limited.
Tel:514-556-4994 /
To donate directly, please visit Please mention The SPORT Specialists charity golf warm up in the comments section.
Tax receipts will be given for donations over 20$.
Thank you,
The SPORT Specialists
455 Fenelon Boul, suite 112, Dorval, Qc.,H9S 5T8