Spider-Man Lunges

Looking for a great dynamic exercise to warm up your hips and get them a little looser before your sport? Spider-Man lunges is a key exercise for this! You can even add in a rotational part to warm up and improve your thoracic mobility just as well.

When you think of it, it is also a very functional exercise. You are mobilizing and stretching one hip into full extension while the other goes into full flexion. This opposite movement pattern always occurs in sports and even daily life activities, just think of walking, running and skating!

Here are the steps to perform this stretch:

  • Take a big step forward and drop down into a lunge position
  • Place your hands on the ground, inside the forward knee
  • Stretch out the back leg so your knee is straight and does not touch the ground anymore
  • If you want to add a thoracic rotation, plant one hand on the ground and rotate your thorax towards the bent knee

* Always make sure your hips remain straight and do not open to the side.